What to give a grandparent for a birthday or Christmas? That's always a tough one for me. They don't want "things" but you always want to do something special for them. For my grandfathers 75th birthday I thought of the perfect gift for him! Family is so important to him, he sacrificed a lot to bring his children to the USA, help them gain an education and eventually they created some amazing lives for us as grandkids. So we thought, let's show him how important our family is to us...
"And this is mine everlasting covenant, that when thy posterity shall embrace the truth, and look upward, then shall Zion look downward, and all the heavens shall shake with gladness, and the Earth shall tremble with JOY."
Genesis 9:22
We made this on photoshop, printed it as a 5x7 & mounted it on the back of the frame
Grandkids & Great Grandkids!
Easy but meaningful gift. Take your own photo, print at costco, frame and voila...a crying grandpa :)